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Mike Barnicle on Gov. Christie challenging Sen. Rubio about his canned responses (8 February 2016)
Chris Christie talks with Mike Barnicle about his readiness for the Oval Office (8 February 2016)
Christie keying in on Rubio
What is Marco Rubio's strategy to win?
Rubio: We're going to finish strong tonight
Reporter Alex Zdan: Too little too late for Chris Christie in N.H.?
Team Marco's Alex Conant Joins Bill Hemmer On Fox News | Marco Rubio for President
Greater Boston: February 9, 2016
Mike Barnicle sums up New Hampshire voters and the Republican presidential race (9 February 2016)
Coveted Elizabeth Warren Endorsement Not Happening Yet
Rubio's Wretched Rehearsed Responses.
Christie ad hits Marco Rubio